- Resource conservation
- Energy savings
- Process improvements to minimize hazardous waste
- Recycling and Reuse
- Waste elimination
- Making rings that meet Euro III and beyond.
Towards Excellence and Future Plan
- Treated STP water to be used for toilet flushing / car washing.
- Extend the collection of rain water from all the buildings for rain water harvesting.
- TCE eliminated and work towards PCE free factory. (Use only Alkali degreasing agent) – Working towards dry cutting / grooving.
- Kaizen / Study the extension of life of water used in process.
- Explore the possibility of reducing the consumption process water. Eg., plating, nifflex, sprinkler in ammonia, coolant water in grinding machines.
- Explore possibility of LED / Solar / newer technology lighting to reducing the power consumption.
- List all activities which are contributed to reduce the Co2 emission within the company and outside the Company
- Currently all the stacks being monitored and the observed values are much below the PCB norms. 10 % reduction from the current level is being planned during the year 2011- 2012
- Train and develop suppliers towards green initiative.
- Based on the latest CII Energy audit report initiatives have been identified for implementation to derive the benefits which in turn reduces the consumption of energy by the organisation.
IPR – Green factory